cracks my heart like an egg;
gooey insides spilling all over.
What a mess.
space is created
opening, opening,
yawning open
like the cervix before
the slippery release
into this raw world.
If you want to really live
get naked, step deep
into the mud and watch
it squirt between your toes.
This is no playground for wimps.
The courageous trust they can fly
and know they creep closer to
death daily. They breathe
into the truth of self destruction
that releases light through
their chinked armor.
They sob until
the tears turn to bold
laughter and the chasms
in their hearts are bridged
with rainbows of wisdom.
So welcome the cracked walls,
allow the tears to flow like cleansing rivers,
break down, break out, and shine, shine, shine!
~Suzette Winona Summers©