For Young Women
Empowerment Circles for Teens 13-17: Introductory Circle, followed by 12 weekly circles to empower young women to show up more fully in their lives for themselves, their sisters, and their community. As well experiential activities geared towards empowerment, young women will learn the basics of creating and leading circles.
Menarche Ritual: After menarche, the young women is enveloped into a circle of adult women who share ritual, story, and insights about this part of womanhood. It can be seen as an initiation into the mysteries of moon time, with the intention of creating a nest of elders from which the young women can return for guidance and support.
Initiations into Womanhood/Red Tent Initiations: Too often in our culture burgeoning women have experienced their periods with embarrassment. Through Red Tent Initiations, young women along with their mothers, will learn to see their moon time as something sacred. This circle functions to facilitate communication and connection, as well as the sharing of wisdom, questions, fears, and experiences.
Pre-teen Circles: Learning the sacredness of circling while young provides a foundation most girls from my generation lacked. By developing knowledge and experience of sacred sharing and creating sacred space, girls of all ages can rest in the knowledge that they have a safe place to reason things out, and gain support from their peers as they journey along the spiral of life.