Concrete has been a trigger for a while. I know, it sounds crazy. But I see it everywhere--buildings, sidewalks, streets--and for a long time it has represented for me this structured society working against nature.
I have seen concrete as a symbol of the suppression of nature for a long time--taming the wildness--controlling-- even as a symbol of the oppression of women, but today, I saw concrete as a symptom.
Collectively, we walk around wearing masks, and these masks take many forms (clothing, education, possessions, long hair, short hair, the way we talk, the things we know, etc). Ultimately, we hide behind these masks to show we are part of a certain "tribe." The only problem with this is that it creates rifts, barriers--us and them mentality.
After I let the tears out today, I felt the force of wild Kali. In my mind's eye, I was picking up a giant sledge hammer and smashing the concrete to bits in order to release the earth from her bondage.
With this vision came the realization that it is not the concrete that needs to be broken up, it is our masks that need to dissolve. We think we are protecting ourselves with these masks we wear, but really we are creating separation. With our masks we know what to expect, we know what to do. Without our masks we feel naked, vulnerable--the outcome of our interactions feels unpredictable.
But really, without our masks we see that we are one human family. Without our masks we see ourselves more clearly.
And as that vision came, I realized why I am so passionate about circle work--it creates a space where the human family can take off their masks and feel safe. Eventually, after continuing to feel the safety of intimacy that comes with truly being "seen," then we can walk into the world vulnerable and powerful realizing those two qualities are not contradictions, but instead interdependent forces necessary for authenticity.
As more people begin to walk around "emotionally naked," vulnerable, authentic--as more people begin to stop hiding behind their masks, and start showing their souls--I believe concrete--the symptom of our barred hearts--will crumble and fall, allowing the earth to be free. It will occur with grace. We are reflections of each other, the Earth and us. We will heal the Earth because we will be committed to healing ourselves.
May all beings be healed and whole.
With love,