From my experience, those who are the least trust-worthy, are not so because they are simply evil, or inherently selfish people, it is that, they too, are trying to protect themselves; they have slipped into the false belief that the best way to win is to play offensively. These same people are some of the most fearful. And while these are people we may find ourselves avoiding, or even despising, these are women who need love.
Fear is a nasty, sticky, black emotion, that flattens our lives, and dulls the hues of a joyful life. Women who fear other women, do so because they feel they are deficient in some way, or that they will need to compete because there is not enough goodness to go around. In truth, every woman is unique and valuable, and the universe is abundant with blessings for each and every one of us on this beautiful planet.
These patterns of competition and protection begin when women are very young, and they do not change by simply wishing them away.
Through intentional sister circles, women can begin to feel the safety that comes when they are supported by other women. By allowing ourselves to be loved, we learn to love ourselves more deeply.
Teaching the value of intentional circles to young women, and girls, can transform the future dynamics of sisterhood to a point where women can rise up further than they every have before, empowered to share their unique gifts deriving from the feminine principle, because they are supporting one another in being their most radiant, powerful, and successful selves.
We all deserve to shine. We all deserve to be loved and supported. We all deserve to be free.
Plant one seed. Watch it grow.
Plant many, and watch a forest sprout forth from the concrete.
We are the seedkeepers. We have the power to transform the story of this culture, of this world. One sister at a time. One circle at a time.
May you know the joy of being surrounded and supported by a group of sisters.
Wishing you all goodness,